41-dars. Can and could


-can ham ingliz tilida modal fe’l hisoblanadi. -can ingliz tiliga qila olmoq deb tarjima qilinadi. I,he,she,it,we,you,they+can ishlatamiz.

I can play the piano. (Men piyanina chala olaman).

-could -canning o’tgan zamon shakli. -could ayniqsa quyidagilar bilan ishlatiladi:

see-ko’rmoq hear-eshitmoq smell-hid taste-maza

feel-his qilmoq remember-eslab qolmoq understand-tushunmoq

My grandfather could speak five language.

(Mening bobom beshta tilda gaplasha olgan)

Inkor shaklida can+not yuklamasidan foydalanamiz.

Sarah can not speak English. (Sarah ingliz tilida gapira olmaydi)

So’roqda esa can+s (ega) dan oldinga o’tadi.

(A: Sen suza olasanmi?)

(B:Ha, lekin yaxshi suzuvchi emasman)

(Tom, zontigini qarzga olib tursam bo’ladimi?)

Exercises 1. Bu gaplarni to’diring. can yoki can’t+fe’llardan birini foydalanib.


2. can see
3. can’t hear
4. can’t find
5. can speak

Exercises 2. Bu gaplarni to’ldiring. can’t yoki couldn’t+fe’llardan birini foydalanib.


2. couldn’t eat
3. can’t decide
4. couldn’t find
5. can’t go
6. couldn’t go

New words (yangi so’zlar)


41-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

When Tina was a child, she _____ three languages.

2 / 10

George is absent from class today. He ____ be sick.

3 / 10

Can dogs fly?

4 / 10

My cat ____ jump, but it ____ talk.

5 / 10

______ you play the piano when you were a child?

6 / 10

The little girl asked, “Mommy, _____ I have a cookie?”

The mother said, “Yes, you ____.”

7 / 10

To’g’ri javobni toping.

8 / 10

_____ we leave our bags here?

9 / 10

To’g’ri javobni toping.

10 / 10

Can ning o’tgan zamon shakli qanday?

Your score is

4speakgapirmoq12hungryqorni och
5sorrykechirim, uzur13illkasal
7quietlytinch, osoyishta15meetuchrashmoq

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